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"Rent Your Home in 2 Weeks" Guarantee
We'll rent your home in 2 weeks or less... or you'll get a month of management free!
Pay For Results Guarantee
Pay us only after you get results. You don’t pay us a dime until your property is rented.
We Do Everything for You
We'll collect rent, handle maintenance request, pick great tenants and more. We make sure your property stays in great shape and collecting money, without you having to do anything.
We began using Rize to manage a duplex we own in Salt Lake in July 2016 and have been very pleased with their professionalism, prompt responding, fairness, and pricing. We explored several options before going with them and we are glad we did. We greatly appreciate their integrity and availability. We live overseas and it has been easy to work them on matters as they arise with our property.
Maureen Neihart
Rize Property Management
1600 State St, South Salt Lake, UT 84115, USA
Phone: (385) 831-6125

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