
Get great property management, protected by our guarantees.
Rent Your Home in 2 Weeks Guaranteed
We'll rent your home in 2 weeks or less... or you'll get a month of management free!
12 Month Tenant Guarantee
If a tenant must be removed, we'll replace them free for up to 12 months.
Fair Price Guarantee
If you can find a lower fee to manage your property in writing, we will match it (As long they do not charge additional fees).
Free Cancellation Guarantee
If you are not satisfied with our service, you can cancel our contract at any time with 60-day notice.
90 Day Moneyback Guarantee
If you change your mind about working with us, get a full refund of all management fees for up to 90 days.
Eviction Guarantee
We will pay the legal fees/court costs (typically $800 to $1,000) in connection with an Uncontested Unlawful Detainer Action for any tenants we place in your property.
No Upfront Payment
We don't charge you a single penny until we find you a qualified tenant... no cash out of your pocket.
Get a Free Quote
Ready to take the next step? Get personalized pricing for your property.
Get a Free Quote
Flat Fee Landlord
13155 Noel Rd Suite 906, Dallas, TX 75240, USA
Phone: (940) 240-6943

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