
Get great property management, protected by our guarantees.
30-Day Tenant Placement Guarantee
An empty rental property means we aren’t delivering what you need to generate revenue! If our proven systems don’t deliver a tenant within 30 days, we credit you the prorated rent amount for each day beyond 30 days, up to one month’s rent.
No Upfront Payment
We don't charge you a single penny until we find you a qualified tenant... no cash out of your pocket.
No Hassle Cancellation Guarantee
If you are not satisfied with our service, you can cancel our contract at any time.
3 Month Moneyback Guarantee
If you change your mind about working with us, get a full refund of all management fees for up to 3 months.
Tenant Replacement Guarantee
If your tenant moves out before the lease end date, for any reason (except Military Orders), we will lease it again for FREE!
Eviction Protection Guarantee
With our expert screening process, The Joseph Group has evicted less than .01% of the tenants we’ve placed in rental homes. However, if something goes wrong with a renter, we will pay all costs for an eviction up to $1,500 if needed during the first twelve months of a tenancy.
Pet Damage Guarantee
We only place screened and approved pets in pet-friendly rentals. However, if something goes wrong with a pet and its owner during a tenancy, we cover up to $3,000 in pet damages to your property!
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The Joseph Group
100 2nd Ave S Ste 200, Edmonds, WA 98020, USA
Phone: (425) 374-0656

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