
Get great property management, protected by our guarantees.
4 Week Fast Rental Guarantee
We'll rent your home in 4 weeks or less... or you'll get a month of management free!
Eviction Guarantee
If a screened tenant placed by PMI ever has to be evicted, we will be responsible for the eviction process including the costs or fees associated with eviction, up to $2000.
On-Time Rent Guarantee
When a tenant pays rent on-time we promise to have your owner’s payment in your account within 10 business days. If not, we will give you back that month’s management fee.
Happiness Guarantee
If for any reason you are not completely happy with our services and want to leave us, you may cancel your property management agreement without penalty with 30-days notice.
Leasing Guarantee
Our leasing guarantee states that if a tenant does not fulfill at least 9 months of a lease term, we will find a new tenant for free.
Results Guarantee
At PMI, we don’t collect management service fees until we have a renter moved in and rent is collected.
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PMI Premier Rentals
220 Catterick Way, Fountain Inn, SC 29644, USA
Phone: (864) 714-8254

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