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"Rent Your Home in 3 Weeks" Guarantee
We'll rent your home in 3 weeks or less... or you'll get a month of management free!
6 Month Tenant Guarantee
If a tenant must be removed, we'll replace them free for up to 6 months.
We Do Everything for You
We'll collect rent, handle maintenance request, pick great tenants and more. We make sure your property stays in great shape and collecting money, without you having to do anything.
I like Yes I Rent a lot. They’re solid people that do the job. I’ve been with them for close to two years now, and they’re a company that really cares about their clients. They’ve effectively (and quickly might I add) evicted the non-paying tenants I inherited from the initial purchase of the property. In addition, they increased rents in all my units to market value, which is a huge deal because the property went from costing me money to making me money! And their screening process is very thorough. They really placed great people in my property that not only pay their rent on time every month but also take care of the place. I ask a lot of questions, and they’re always patient and transparent with me. I’d highly recommend them. They do good business. They’re ethical, and I feel like I can trust them.
Karlyn Exantus
YesiRent Property Management
196 John Frank Ward Blvd, McDonough, GA 30253, USA
Phone: (404) 662-2797

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