Get a Free Quote

Tell us more about your situation and a property manager will be in touch with you quickly.
"Fast Rental" Guarantee
We will have a deposit on your property in 30 days or less from the rent ready date, otherwise you get 2 MONTHS of management fees for FREE.
"90 Day Moneyback" Guarantee
If you change your mind about working with us, get a full refund of all management fees for up to 90 days.
We Do Everything for You
We'll collect rent, handle maintenance request, pick great tenants and more. We make sure your property stays in great shape and collecting money, without you having to do anything.
I owned one property in Middletown before finding RCW and after hiring them my wife told me we had to get more properties since RCW was running our show. We now own six units - all of them run by RCW with more on the horizon. They are everything that an owner/investor can hope for - experienced, responsive, affordable, and treats each property like its their own.
Matt Colehour
Robert C. White & Company
57 Dodge Ave Ste. 107, North Haven, CT 06473, USA
Phone: (860) 530-2762

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